
Druh objektu: Horská chata
Place: Janské Lázně, GPS: 50°37’51.081″N, 15°46’4.930″E
Adresa: Černohorská 188, Janské Lázně
Telefon: +420 737 835 619 nebo +420 732 184 041
E-mail: uadvokatu@seznam.cz

Majitel: Mgr.Martin Poledna, Irena Polednová, Rytecká 8, Žďár nad Sázavou 591 01
IČ: 75245531
DIČ: CZ75245531
Zapsán na živnostenském úřadu ve Žďáře nad Sázavou Č.j.: Živ/1/341/95/U


Send mail to with uadvokatu@seznam.cz term accommodation. To get the answer whether the cottage is free and advance booking sheet is 30% and bank details. After paying the deposit we will inform you of receipt and confirmation of the booking the cottage. Then we will actually your name to the following terms on the booking page. On the first day of arrival to pay cash to pay the price. Transfer is possible to pay the price to pay later than 7 days before departure accommodation on account specified in the Reservation sheet.


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